How are reading and phonics taught?
Phonics is the system of learning to read by using sounds. At The New North Academy, the Read, Write Inc. programme is used to teach phonics.
From Foundation Stage 2 (Reception), pupils are introduced to the first 30 sounds and taught to blend these sounds into words. Later in the Foundation Stage 2 year and into Year 1 more sounds are introduced and pupils read from books at their level daily. This continues throughout KS1 and into KS2 with daily phonic lessons and guided reading activities.
We recognise the impact of reading good quality literature to pupils and also how access to high-quality texts can support their learning and developing vocabulary.
Each class has a book area with attractive books that appeal to all abilities and interests within that class and our library has books that children can take home. We strongly encourage parents/carers to help foster a love of reading in their children.
To find out more about the Read, Write, Inc Programme of Phonics please visit:
Here you will find tutorials and useful information to support reading at home which will complement sessions led in school as part of the Family Learning Programme.
Top tips for reading with your child
You can read anything! Try out a range of picture books, comics, poems and rhymes. You can share stories even when you don’t have a book in front of you. Why not retell one of your favorite stories?
Share stories whenever you can. Just ten minutes a day can make a huge difference. Bedtime is the perfect time to read together. It helps create a routine and can be something you and your child look forward to
Sharing books and stories with your child is fun! It also helps children:
- Understand the world around them
- Build confidence
- Develop social and emotional skills
Find a quiet place with no distractions. Turn off televisions, computers and tablets. Take time to look at each page. It’s ok for you both to make mistakes! Talk about the pictures. If you feel comfortable, make noises and put on voices. Most importantly, have fun!